Joe is a Youth Pastor from southern New Jersey who’s been a gamer for longer than he can remember. Joe has been volunteering with Gamechurch since 2014 and has been elected Chairman of Gamechurch’s permanent Board of Directors. As Chairman, Joe will lead meetings and have an equal vote among the other board members on issues concerning Gamechurch. He shall preside at all meetings of the board except on the very rare occasion that he is unavailable for a scheduled meeting. Joe has volunteered in youth ministry since 2006. His hobbies include gaming, voice acting, singing, and more gaming. His calling is to reach into the lives of those the church has overlooked and show them God’s love. Joe is Chairman of Gamechurch’s Board of Directors and does not receive compensation for this position.
Our Team
GameChurch's Board of Directors
The following individuals are the current board of directors for GameChurch

Joe Monzo
President of Operations & CEO
Pastor Brandon Zoll
Vice President of Operations & CFOBrandon is a Lead Pastor part of the Church of God Reformation Movement (Anderson, IN). He is from Indiana but is currently serving in Sullivan, IL. Gaming has always been a part of Branon’s life. He started playing games when he was four and got his first regular Nintendo Entertainment System. He has been serving with GameChurch since 2014, and was elected Vice Chair of GameChurch’s permanent Board of directors. He is honored to be able to serve our wonderful ministry in this capacity.
Although Brandon considers himself to be a tabletop gamer. The highlight of his life as a gamer was when he served on the Jedi Council of an all Jedi roleplaying guild on Star Wars the Old Republic. He served as the “Keeper of the Archives” because he managed the guilds forms and web presences outside of the game. This actually plays into his new role with GameChurch not just as the Vice Chair, but as the “Keeper of the Swag.” When you place an order on He is the one who will pack it and ship it.

Daniel Fisher
Board Member & SecretaryPastor Daniel Fisher is a software developer with a bachelor’s of science in information technology. In 2018 he was elected as a board member and secretary for GameChurch’s permanent board. Daniel also sits on the board for InnRoad’s Ministries. He is very passionate about using his love of tabletop gaming to reach people for Jesus. He wants to show Christians that it is ok to play games and use those games as a part of the outreach. He has been a mission leader for GameChurch in the past and completely believes in its mission statement.

Zach Hughs
Board Member & Community DirectorZack is a longtime community member of GameChurch City and former Social Media Associate for GameChurch. He engages in mission with GameChurch and Innroads Ministries and will serve as Director of Community on the permanent board, overseeing all community efforts, including Gamechurch City and any initiatives that fall within the scope of Gamechurch City. Zack has been involved in youth ministry since 2010 and an avid gamer since age three.
Temporary Board Members & Advisors
The following are temporary nonvoting board members and advisors for GameChurch

Cecilia Amo Badua
Advisory Board MemberCecilia is a licensed attorney and founder of the Jesus Otaku: Anime Outreach ministry out of Saddleback Church. She is a passionate advocate for equipping the local church and mobilizing people for ministry.